Wolfhampcote Parish
Home Produce Show 2025
Schedule, Standards and Entry Forms for 2025 will be uploaded shortly
The 16th annual show takes place on Saturday, 6th September 2025 At the Village Hall
Entries - 8:30 am to 10:30 am
Judging - 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Public entry from 2 pm
Prizes - 3 pm to 4 pm
Free admission to the show for all - come and see what we grow and make
Meet with neighbours and enjoy the fun.
Hard copies of the standards will also be available at St Marks Church
Produce Display
Tea and Cake Tombola

Three Runner Beans
Three Carrots
Three Onions
One Oddest Shaped Vegetable (titled)
Longest Runner Bean
Two Courgettes
Three Leeks
Three Tomatoes
Three Potatoes (any weight)
One Lettuce
Any Vegetable not listed above

Fruit & Flowers
12. Three Cut Flowers in a Jam Jar
13. A Display of Flowers - themed xxxx"My Garden"
14. Three Apples
15. Three Pears
16. Three Plums or Damsons

17. Three Savoury Scones
18. One Victoria Sandwich - own recipe
19. Man Bake
20. Fruity Themed Cake
21. Three Decorated Cup Cakes
22. One Jar of Jam or Jelly
23. One Jar of Marmalade
24. One Jar of Chutney
25. One Jar of Pickles
26. Photograph Entitled "Rural Idyll" *
27. Photograph Entitled bbbbb " Canals" *
* Photographic cardboard mount 5”x7” will be provided at entry desk for all photos28. Drawing or Painting
- no bigger than 20" x 16" and can be framed or unframed
29. Textiles - Any
30. Woodwork/Metalwork
31. Open Class Art and Craft
32. Papier Mache Bowl
33. One Coaster - any material

'Owt Else
34. Three Eggs on Plate
35. One Bottle of Alcoholic Drink
36. A Foraged Arrangement in a Basket
There are First, Second, Third and Highly Commended certificates available for each class.
Larkin About in the Garden Trophy – for the entrant with the most points in the Vegetable Section. (In each class, First place = 3 points, Second place = 2 Points, Third place = 1 point)
Wolfhampcote Prize for Traditional Craft for an exhibit from the Arts and Craft Section
Di’s Prize for an item that she selects from any category.
Get involved!
Get planting and creating!
Enter your produce! Encourage all the family to get involved - nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Revive an old skill or learn a new one. Get creative and enter something you have made.
Donate tombola prizes ( more information will be posted on Flecknoe Notice Board and news letters nearer the time) and / or make a cake we can serve at the tea stand.
Volunteer to steward or be a "runner" on the morning of the show. Tea, cake and tombola stands need people to share the load of serving.
We also need help erecting, decorating and dismantling the marquees. Look out for requests nearer the time.
Any queries or offers of help can be made through the link below.
We collect and store your contact details in order to manage your enquiry. We will always look after your data and will never sell or give it away. If at any time you want to be removed from our database please use the contact form to let us know.